Tips for Keyword Research: How to Create a Keyword Universe Using Data

The first phases of SEO strategy and planning were covered in my most recent SEO post, along with SEO fundamentals and how SEO functions. Now that we’ve considered our website personas and their specific issues, we can start working on our keyword universe.

Data-driven SEO is something I firmly support. The mix of statistics, psychology, and empathy, in my opinion, is the secret to excellent SEO performance and website conversions. Data abounds in the realm of digital marketing. There are several free and paid tools available, as well as numerous data sources to assist us in our SEO journey. Today, we’ll look at some of my favorite software tools and data sources for developing a rich keyword universe.

What is the difference between Keyword Research and Keyword Universe?

Before we go into my preferred data sources, let’s talk about keyword research, the keyword universe, and why we need it. Although keyword research is rather self-explanatory, if we’re looking for a more precise explanation, we might state that it’s a crucial SEO chore that entails finding the words and phrases people use when searching online.

In contrast, a keyword universe is the total amount of keywords or phrases utilized to drive organic search traffic to your website or blog. These keywords might include both terms you want to rank for and phrases you already rank for in search. Between fifty and one million keywords can make up a keyword universe. It all depends on the website’s size and the sector it serves. Consider the following real-world example.

When conducting keyword research, we want to analyze all terms first, then limit down our list to those that are most important to our target market and our product. We’ll look at keywords we presently rank for as well as terms we aim to rank for in the future.