Join us and find your future job at ChamRun digital marketing agency. you can fill our job application and apply as part time jobs or full-time. In some cases if you are ready for a remote job, please apply and send us your cover letter.

Greetings, We regret to inform you that there are recent scams and fraudulent activities committed by an anonymous third party using our company’s name, Chamrun Interactive Sdn Bhd. We have never asked candidates who are applying for job vacancies at Chamrun Interactive to make any purchase or deposit any money to us. Should you encounter this, avoid transferring money at all costs.We have lodged a police report as well as to MCMC to take further action to stop these scammers from preying on any more victims. We truly apologize for the inconvenience caused. Any job vacancies offered by our company will be posted directly on our company’s website.

Thank you very much.

1. Digital Marketing Manager

Digital Marketing Manager Job Description: To head our marketing team, we’re looking for an enthusiastic innovative digital marketing manager. You will be in charge of all areas of our marketing activities in this job. Your main objective is to increase our brand’s local impact while also growing brand loyalty and awareness.Planning, executing, and evaluating our digital marketing initiatives across all digital networks will be among your responsibilities. Someone with marketing, art direction, and social media management skills would be great. You will exhibit great interpersonal and analytical abilities in addition to being a great communicator.

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2. Social Media Specialist

To join our creative team, we’re seeking for an experienced and motivated social media professional. You’ll be in charge of planning social media campaigns and managing the company’s social media accounts on a daily basis. Because of your enthusiasm for social media as a communication tool, you will embrace and apply social media best practices across all social media channels.The ideal applicant will be a strong communicator, a creative writer with a wide range of skills, and a team player. You’ll take an active role in data collecting and analysis in order to enhance the company’s social media strategies over time.

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3. E-commerce Specialist

E-commerce Specialist Job Description : A representative of our online marketing and sales team is searching for an E-Commerce professional. Our ideal candidate is well-organized enough to maintain our online inventory while also being creative enough to assist in the creation of social media campaigns to boost digital sales. You’ll use marketing and SEO tactics to improve our efforts, and you’ll use analytics tools to see how much traffic they generate. While a bachelor’s degree is preferred, it is more vital that you have some experience managing a digital business or product inventories.

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4. Digital Marketing Executive

Digital Marketing Executive Job Description : We’re searching for an experienced online marketing executive to help with online marketing strategy, execution, and optimization. The tasks of an online marketing executive include promoting products or services using digital platforms, developing marketing strategies, and monitoring the company’s online presence.You need to have a deep understanding of marketing and technological best practices to be a successful online marketing executive. You should learn how to use the internet to boost your sales. Finally, a successful internet marketing executive must be tech-savvy and capable of developing new marketing initiatives.

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5. Data Scientist

Data Scientist Job Description : We’re searching for a Data Scientist to provide insights gleaned from studying corporate data to our product, sales, leadership, and marketing teams. The ideal applicant is skilled at analysing huge data sets to identify potential for product and process improvement, as well as applying models to assess the efficacy of various strategies. They must have extensive knowledge with a wide range of data mining/data analysis methodologies, data tools, designing and implementing models, using/creating algorithms, and creating/running simulations. They must have a track record of using data-driven insights to achieve business success. They must be able to collaborate with a variety of stakeholders and functional groups. The ideal applicant will be enthusiastic about uncovering hidden solutions in huge data sets and collaborating with stakeholders to improve business outcomes.

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