Youtube Ads in Malaysia

ChamRun Digital, being one of Malaysia’s leading digital marketing companies, develops a variety of Youtube ads to promote your brand and execute your digital marketing campaigns.

Bumper Advertisements

These are non-skippable, six-second (or fewer) video commercials that may be viewed on mobile and desktop. Because six seconds isn’t much time to get your argument through, bumper advertisements are best employed to improve brand recognition and reach – according to a Google research, 70% of 122 bumper commercials significantly increased viewer awareness of the brand. After all, the viewer won’t be able to skip over them.

Advertisements that appear on the screen

Display advertisements are arguably the most well-known of the YouTube ad kinds. These interactive pictures or animations, which appear on the right side of the YouTube video, are only available to users on PCs. The display ad will disappear if the user switches to full-screen video. Regardless, the placement of display adverts is eye-catching due to their proximity to video suggestions. For display ads, the YouTube ad requirements are 300250 or 30060. Soundless animations only last 30 seconds or less if you use them.

Ads that appear on top of other ads

These are non-skippable, six-second (or fewer) video commercials that may be viewed on mobile and desktop. Because six seconds isn’t much time to get your argument through, bumper advertisements are best employed to improve brand recognition and reach – according to a Google research, 70% of 122 bumper commercials significantly increased viewer brand awareness. After all, the viewer won’t be able to skip over them.

Video Ads That Can Be Skipped

These are the kind of YouTube video adverts that may be skipped and are aired before, during, or after videos, as the name implies. While you don’t want your YouTube advertisements to be skipped, the advantage of these is that they may be watched on a variety of devices, including desktop, mobile, TV, gaming consoles, and so on. They might be as little as 12 seconds long or as long as six minutes. When designing skippable video advertisements on YouTube, the most important thing to remember is to grab viewers’ attention with your distinctive message in the initial few seconds.

Cards that have been sponsored

Sponsored cards are graphics that are clickable and relate to the main content (think products that are featured in the video). Despite the fact that they only appear for a few seconds, viewers may easily click on them to learn more — and they can be viewed on both desktop and mobile devices. As you might expect, this YouTube advertising option is most useful when used to promote your own films since you can use them to promote your product or service.

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